Residential Roof Repair

Reliable Residential Roofing Repair In Oklahoma

Roofing systems are complicated. Hartland Construction and Roofing has the experience and training to perform small and large roof repairs. Repairing a roof is always more cost-effective than replacement. But it all starts with a quality installation.

Whether an Oklahoma storm blew through, your ceiling has developed a wet pattern, or you’ve noticed missing shingles or buckling, we offer complimentary no-obligation roof inspections. We work with insurance companies to make sure storm damage like hail or debris is covered, so you don’t pay out of pocket!

Insurance Claims

Maintenance Is The Key To Roof Longevity

According to the National Roof Certification and Inspection Association, regular roof maintenance can help maximize your investment, saving you money in the long run. Roof maintenance involves:

✔ Keep your roof free of debris like leaves, limbs, moss, algae, and trash.

✔ Minimize foot traffic

✔ Regular roof inspections, not just after storms or severe weather.


A trusted roofing contractor like Hartland Construction and Roofing can help maintain your roof’s decking, underlayment, and flashing to help prevent premature buckling, moisture intrusion from ice or rain, and ensure proper drainage.

Complimentary Inspection

We Can Help With Emergency Roof Repair

Emergencies can be scary, especially since they can happen at any moment. Luckily, Hartland Construction and Roofing is available 24/7 to help inspect and perform repairs. If you’re experiencing a leak in the home or suspect debris damage, give us a call at any time!

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